SP6T PIN Diode Switch 5 Watt CW Power.

Model : DR-SP6T4450-5

1. Electrical Specifications

Parameters Specifications
Freq. range 4.4-5GHz
Power handling 5W CW max.
Isolation RF(in to out) RF to Control 55 dB min 45 dB min
Insertion loss 1.5 dB max
Switching time Ton – 50% TTL to 90% of RF voltage Toff – 50% TTL to 10% of RF voltage 85 ns max 85 ns max
Switching rate PRF 2.0MHz max.
VSWR (all conditions) 1.5:1 max
RF connectors SMA Female
Power Supply +5V@180mA max.; -15V@60mA max.
Dimensions 89.4*30.5*10.15
Operating Temperature -40 to +85 Deg C.

SP6T PIN Diode Switch

Model : DR-SP6T-1316-5

A. Specifications :

SL. NO. Parameters Specifications
1. Frequency range 1.3 to 1.6 GHz
2. Power handling 5 Watts CW Max.
3. Isolation (In to Out) 60 dB Min.
4. Isolation (RF to Control) 60 dB Min.
5. Switching Rate (PRF) 2 MHz Max.
6. Insertion loss 1.2 dB Max.
7. Switching time 85 ns Max.
8. VSWR (all conditions) 1.3 : 1 Max
9. RF connectors SMA Female
10. Power Supply + 5 V DC, 350 mA Max.
– 15 V DC, 100 mA Max.
11. Controls (E0, E1 & E2) TTL High – ON
Refer Table 1 for details.
12. Dimensions 78 x 32 x 10 mm
(excluding connectors)
Refer Fig. 1 for details.
13. Weight < 70 g.
14. Operating Temperature – 40 ºC to + 85 ºC